Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The 2010 Ten Minute Play Festival

Nov 18, 19, and 20th at 7:30 with a matinee on Nov 20 at 3:00.

Featuring works by David Halle, Lily Mercer, Rosa Luke, Paul Notice, Will Purpura, Moe Yousuf, and Erin Wagoner.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sophmore Julia Pugachevski's New Play "Mantis"

2010 Emerging Female Voices Playwright's Fest

7 Nights, 21 original, never been produced, one act works-in-progress

The mission of the Playwright’s Festival is to give female playwrights the opportunity to hear their words off the page so they can develop their writing voice with professional actors in front of a live audience.

The Emerging Female Voices Playwright’s Fest is a series of 21 readings over the course of 7 nights. This year’s theme is The Seven Ages of Man:

  • Oct 11 - the infant
  • Oct 18 - the school-boy
  • Oct 25 - the lover
  • Nov 1 - the soldier
  • Nov 8 - the justice
  • Nov 15 - the pantaloon
  • Nov 22 - second childishness and mere oblivion - Awards Presentation & Reception
Julia's play is Oct 25th at 7.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Love's Labour Lost @ The Goldberg Theater

Trinity Church is producing a reading of Love's Labor's Lost at Wednesday, October 13 in the Goldberg Theater of the Dramatic Writing Department.

Students from Shakespeare for Writers and a faculty member from Undergraduate Drama are in the cast.

This reading will be the Shakespeare for Writers class for that Wednesday evening. My sentiment is that it's more useful for the students to see Shakespeare performed than to watch me wave my arms.

To reserve for the reading at Trinity Church, 74 Trinity Place, Sunday, October 10 at 1PM, please

RSVP to Richard Lippold, 212-602-0800 or rlippold@trinitywallstreet.org ($5 suggested donation)

To reserve for the reading in the Goldberg Dramatic Writing Department, please call the GDDW reservation line: (212) 998-1985.

Neil Labute coming to DDW!!!!

Playwright and screenwriter Neil Labute is coming to teach a guest class at the Department of dramatic writing this fall. Labute has written such wonderful plays as "The Shape of Things", "reasons to be pretty" and "Bash". His work has also made it to the screen. "In the Company of Men" and the recent "Death at a Funeral" being examples. In addition to be visiting faculty, Neil is also a graduate of the department's MFA program. We are excited to have him

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Festival of New Works

--Wednesday, March 3--
Kick-off Panel: How to Listen to Notes in the Professional World and Across Mediums
Moderator: Padraic Lillis
Panelists: Diana Son (Stop Kiss, West Wing, Southland) and Jeremy Pikser (Bullworth, Reds,The Lemon Sisters, War, Inc.)
Location: Goldberg Theater

6:45 pm
Pitchfest participants meet to determine order for Workshop
Your order will be determined beforehand by a drawing of numbers.
Location: Production Office
WK Akers Hannah E. Martin
Brianna Bonome Ruben Medina
Patricia Chungsathaporn Mia Kai Simonne Moody
Joshua Fu Peter Warren

Workshop/Lecture: How to Pitch
(mandatory for “Pitchfest” participants)
Participants have been selected from submissions.
Participants: focus on telling your story in the best way you can in five minutes. Know your story well enough to be prepared to answer questions about it. You don't have to defend every decision you’ve made on the script. It is important to remain open to notes and changes. Remember – this is a LEARNING exercise. Hopefully, this process should help you to clarify your stories!
Location: Goldberg Theater
Faculty panel: TBA

--Thursday, March 4--
Play Readings
(Response session follows the reading of all plays in the festival)
Reservations required – call 212.998.1985 or email goldbergddw@gmail.com

7:00–8:00 pm
Panel: Writing for Television
Alumnus Moderator: Joe Tracz
Talk TV with the writing staff of the upcoming FX drama “LIGHTS OUT”. Panelists include Carter Harris (“FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS”), Robin Veith (“MAD MEN”), Stu Zicherman (“SIX DEGREES”) and DDW’s own Bryan Goluboff.
Location: Goldberg Theater

7:30 p.m
Open Rehearsal/Table Reading: ...AND I WILL KISS THE COLD GOOD NIGHT
Writer: Paul Notice II
Director: Melanie Sutherland
Respondent: David White
Location: Room 759
Bob Jaffe - Peter
Duane Cooper - Hart
Ayesha Ngaujah - Kate
Ryan Quinn - Prada
John Russo - Tony

8:30 pm
Writer: Jim Lunsford
rector: Francesca Arkus Respondents: Martin Kettling and Austin Pendleton
Location: Goldberg Theater
Chris Lopez - Perce
Zach Linnert - Bailey
Claudia Schneider - Theora
Jennifer Dean - Tilda

--Friday, March 5--
10:00 am-11:00am
Breakfast Panel: Writing for Children’s Theater
Moderator: Scott McCarrey
Panelists: Edie Demas and Jonathan Schmidt of the New Victory Theater, co-teachers of the Children's Theater class at Steinhardt; David White of WordBRIDGE
Joys, rewards, and challenges in writing for younger audiences. A writer can also make money in writing for Children’s Theater—learn how!
Location: Goldberg Theater

11:30-12:30 pm
Steinberg Panel: Working with Directors in the Developmental Process
Alumna Moderator: Anna Zeigler
Panelists: Mariana Carreno (playwright/director), John Dias (Producer/Dramaturg), Andy Donald (Associate Artistic Director of Naked Angels), Martin Kettling (Literary Manager of the Eugene O’Neill Playwrights’ Center), Austin Pendleton (playwright/actor/director)
You can sit in your room and write as many plays as you want but – unless you’re willing to do everything yourself (which is a whole other conversation) – someone is going to have to produce your play and that someone is going to want someone else to work with you on it and that someone else is going to be a director. In that shaky time between first draft and premiere production, how do you negotiate the playwright/director relationship in a way that allows you to benefit from their input but maintain your own perspective and voice? Come with questions for these professionals whose careers are dedicated to the development of new work.
Location: Goldberg Theater

1:00-2:30 pm
Director/Playwright “Speed-dating”
Alumni Hosts: Lori Fischer and Avi Glickstein
Tired of seeing all your friends getting hitched to all the good directors? Think it’s too tough out there and that it can never happen for you? IT CAN! Come out and spend a couple of hours meeting tons of great directors, see if you click, and who knows? You might just begin a relationship that will last your whole career.
Locations: 758 & Goldberg Theater

Sign-up Sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway of the 7th floor!

Current Directors: Christopher Bellis, Stephen Brackett, Snehal Desai,
Tamara Fisch, Michael Goldfried, Travis Greisler, Bob Jaffe, Kimberlea Kressal, Padraic Lillis, Kenneth Lowstetter, Taibi Magar, Brad Mallow, Davis McCallum, Shira Millikowsky, Austin Pendleton, Nancy Robillard, Michael Silverstone, Judith Stevens-Ly, Meg Sturiano, Melanie Sutherland, John Trevellini, Michele Vazquez, Moritz von Stuelpnagel, David White…and MORE TO COME!

3:30 pm
Concert reading: NOW I AM FINALLY AWAKE
Writer: Julia Holleman
Director: Michele Vazquez
Respondent: Karen Carpenter, Martin Ketttling
Location: Goldberg Theater
Reservations are required.
Cara Greene Epstein - Mikhalea
Will Manning - Blake/Bennett
Evan Thompson - Clive
Dina Comolli - Jan
Warren Jackson - Doug
Shane Zeigler - Adamn
KT Peterson - Fynn

4:00 pm
Open Rehearsal/Table Reading: SALVATION
Writer: Hannah Martin
Director: David White
Location: Room 756
Reservations are required.

Joleen WIlkinson - Abby
Bob Jaffe - Major Craven
Susan Wallack - Quincy Craven
Katie Schorr - Miranda
Ryan Quinn - Grayson
Vivian Meisner - Lillian
Ed Prostak - LtCol Gardner

7:00 pm
Concert reading: A MAN OF MY WORD
Writer: Dylan Lamb
Director: Mariana Carreno
Respondents: David White and Martin Kettling
Location: Goldberg Theater
Reservations are required.
Arthur Ashwood - Kevin Geer
Joanna Ashwood/Matilda - Maggie Bofill
Fritz/Kirk - Aaron Scroeder
Tom/Mick - Jorge Cordova

7:40 pm
Concert reading: THE LAWN MOWER MAN
Writer: Mohammad Yousuf
Director: Padraic Lillis
Respondents: David White and Martin Kettling
Location: Goldberg Theater
Reservations are required.
Austin Pendleton - Dad
Charles Goforth - Son
Rich Deher - Grandson
Ruth Ann Phinmister - Mom

This is an event for all graduate students, Festival Guests, Faculty, and Administration of the Department of Dramatic Writing.
Location: Riese Family Lounge in 1st Floor Lobby

--Saturday , March 6--
Pitchfest Workshop Part II
Location: Shetler Studios Penthouse 1(244 West 54th Street) www.shetlerstudios.com
Reservations are required.

11:00 am-12:30pm
Second Round for the Pitchfest participants.
Open to all. Students are encouraged to attend, observe, and take notes.

Panel: Do It Yourself!
Moderator: Stacey Cooper McMath, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
Panelists: Libby Emmons, Paul Bargetto, Arwen Lowebridge, Karina Mangu-Ward
This panel of writers and performing artists will talk about how they have made their work independently – and about the resources available to writers to make their own work happen. The panel will discuss the challenges of independent producing in the theater, as well as alternate models – the web, series events, film and self-publishing.
Location: Goldberg Theater

2:00-5:00 pm
Showcase Basics: Tools for Independent Producing in New York City
Moderator: Stacey Cooper McMath, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
This three-hour workshop is designed to give artists the basic tools to navigate the process of producing their own work. This workshop will include an introduction to the kinds of entities that are legally required to produce for-profit and not-for-profit work; basic budgeting skills for planning a production; an introduction to marketing and audience development; guidance on raising funds for productions; and sample production scenarios, timelines, and producing strategies. Students are encouraged to bring potential production ideas with them to the workshop so that the material covered can be practically applied to future or existing projects.
Location: Room 758

Play Reading: THE MINOTAUR
Douglas Turner Ward Playwriting Award 2010
Writer: Anna Ziegler
Director: Erik Pearson
Hosts: Leslie Lee and the Negro Ensemble Company
Mando Alvarez - Priest
Richard Gallagher - Lawyer
Barret Obrien - Minotaur
David Jenkins - Theseus
Samantha Soule - Ariadne
Makela Spielman - Rabbi

Award Presentation and Discussion following the reading
Discussion Participants: David White, Martin Kettling, and Anna Zeigler

Writer: David West Read
Director: Nancy Robillard
Respondents: Megan Monaghan, David White, Martin Kettling and Austin Pendleton
Location: Goldberg Theater
Jessica Arinella - Claire
Matthew Rashid - Henry
Tim Ranson - Ted
Kether Donohue - Allyn