Friday, September 18, 2009

Ten Minute Play Fest Submissions

Festival Dates November 19-21, 2009
Producer: Lori Fischer
Director: Padraic Lillis
Dramaturg: Cheri Magid
ELIGIBILITY: All Students majoring in dramatic writing and currently enrolled in the Rita & Burton Goldberg Department of Dramatic Writing.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Submit scripts to the DDW Reception Desk, 7thfloor. No emailed scripts will be accepted. No late scripts will be accepted.
The Scripts accepted into the festival will be decided by faculty reading committees and through a blind reading process.
The Festival Plays will be announced by Wednesday, October 7, 2009.
1. You may submit only 1 ten-minute play.
2. Scripts that read, out loud, longer than 12 minutes may beautomatically eliminated.
3. Submit 2 copies of the script.
a. Both scripts must have 2 title pages: One with the title, your name, and all contact information; and one with just the Title (not your name, nothing, just the Title).
b. Character list (ages, race if important, gender)
c. Pages must be numbered.
4. You must be available on the following dates. These dates are mandatory. If I learn after the fact that you cannot attend on a certain date, you may be replaced by a writer who is available for all of the dates:
a. Saturday, October 24(Times TBA but probably 1:00-4:00 p.m.) For a full company production meeting and read-through of the scripts. You will be needed for the full time.
b. Scheduled time w/ your director & dramaturg for dramaturgical work and rehearsals. Dates & times decided amongst the 3 of you. You are expected to attend the rehearsals.
c. Saturday, November 7(Times TBA but probably 1:00-4:00 p.m.) For a showing of the progress of your work (rewrites, blocking) to the Ten-Minute Play Producer, Designers and the Head of Production. Not needed for the entire time.
d. Saturday, November 14for Tech. of all the plays. Tech times are TBA; now scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. You are not needed for the entire time.
e. Sunday, November 15 from 2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. for two run-throughs of the plays. A dinner break will be scheduled. Not needed for the entire time
f. Wednesday, November 18, Time TBA Go for an evening Preview Run of the plays.
g. November 19-21 Times TBA 4 performances of the Ten-Minute plays.
5. Production Values: Our emphasis is on helping you prepare your script for a production. You are encouraged to rewrite up until Technical Rehearsals begin. Each play will have different production requirements but all will share a unit set. We will be working with sound, light, set and costume designers. We will not allow elaborate set-changes or excessive use of any production value. We do want to produce an elegant, moving, fun, dramatic, evening of plays. We will use an ensemble cast. We will not employ children or current DDW students to act in any of the plays.
If you have any questions regarding this process please contact the Head of Production, Adrienne Thompson (